Corporate Governance
We are firmly committed to the principles of responsible corporate governance and control in the interests of long-term value creation. As a non-listed company, we therefore voluntarily recognise the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC).
German Corporate Governance Code
According to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the Management Board and Supervisory Board of listed stock corporations must declare annually the extent to which their corporate governance complies with or deviates from the GCGC. Non-listed companies such as HCOB are not subject to this obligation. As the principles of good corporate governance have been part of the bank’s identity for many years, our Management Board and Supervisory Board support the objectives of the German Corporate Governance Code and voluntarily submit an annual declaration of compliance with the Code. We are working towards complying with the GCGC as far as possible. In the current declaration of compliance, the Management Board and Supervisory Board explain which provisions of the Code the bank currently still deviates from.
Dr. Janina Schmidt-Keßler and Kim-Olivia Lietzau are available to answer questions on corporate governance from shareholders, employees and interested members of the public.
Since 2017, we have published our annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report (CSR Report) in accordance with the requirements of Sections 315b, 315c in conjunction with 289b to 289e of the German Commercial Code (HGB). This is part of our Group reporting and you can download it here.
Declaration of Conformity 2024
Articles of Association 2024
Remuneration report for the 2023 financial year
German Corporate Governance Code
Documents from previous years
Declaration of conformity 20223
Declaration of conformity 2022
Declaration of conformity 2021
Declaration of conformity 2020
Declaration of conformity 2018
Declaration of conformity February 2017
Declaration of conformity June 2016
Declaration of conformity December 2015
Declaration of conformity February 2015
Declaration of conformity 2014