Deposit Protection
We are a member of the Entschädigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH and have been affiliated to the Deposit Protection Fund of the Bundesverband deutscher Banken e.V. since January 1, 2022.
Compensation Scheme of German Banks (Entschädigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH) (EdB) and Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks (Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbands deutscher Banken e.V.) (ESF)
Since 1 January 2022, HCOB is assigned to the Compensation Scheme of German Banks (Entschädigungseinrichtung deutscher Banken GmbH) (EdB). EdB is entrusted with the task of acting as the statutory compensation scheme for all CRR credit institutions assigned to it. The EdB generally protects deposits up to EUR 100,000 per HCOB depositor.
Since 1 January 2022, HCOB also voluntarily participates in the Deposit Protection Fund of the Association of German Banks (Einlagensicherungsfonds des Bundesverbands deutscher Banken e.V.) (ESF).
In accordance with its By-laws, the ESF protects deposits of certain HCOB customers, subject to the exceptions provided for therein. Protected deposits are essentially demand, time and savings deposits that have been accepted at a domestic head office or branch office.
In the Deposit Protection Fund, the following protection ceilings per creditor apply:
Until 31 December 2024 |
Since 1 January 2025 |
Since 1 January 2030 |
For natural persons and foundations with legal capacity irrespective of the term of the deposit | EUR 5 Million | EUR 3 Million | EUR 1 Million |
For nonfinancial companies, non-profit organisations, associations and non-profit professional organisations, and other creditors referred to in Section 6 (3) of the By-laws of the Deposit Protection Fund | EUR 50 million | EUR 30 million | EUR 10 million |
Maximum amout of the protection ceiling in any event | 15 % of the bank`s own funds according to the calculation under the By-laws of the Deposit Protection Fund | 8,75 % of the bank`s own funds according to the calculation under the By-laws of the Deposit Protection Fund | 8,75 % of the bank`s own funds according to the calculation under the By-laws of the Deposit Prodection Fund |
For deposits protected until the end of 31 December 2022, the protection ceilings applicable at that time shall continue to apply until the deposit matures, is rolled over or can be cancelled by the customer for the first time or is transferred to one or more foreign branches. For deposits established or rolled over after 31 December 2022, the relevant new protection ceilings shall apply as of the above cut-off dates.
The compensation shall be based on the protection ceiling which has been notified to the bank as the result of the assessment made by the Auditing Association of German Banks (Prüfungsverband deutscher Banken e.V.) and which is available on the internet at The protection ceiling shall be notified to the customer by the bank on request. Not protected are, in particular, deposits of financial firms, public authorities including regional and local authorities, deposits that have arisen in connection with money laundering or terrorist financing, and bearer bonds. For non-financial companies, non-profit organisations and associations, deposits with a term of more than 12 months and liabilities from promissory notes loans, registered bonds and comparable debt instruments under foreign law shall not be protected.
Liabilities of banks that were protected until the end of 31 December 2022 in accordance with Section 6 of the version of the By-laws of the Deposit Protection Fund registered with the Register of Associations (Vereinsregister) on 18 November 2021 shall generally continue to be protected as provided for thereunder. Departing therefrom, liabilities of Hamburg Commercial Bank AG that existed before 1 October 2017 shall not be grandfathered, as the bank was not a member of the ESF at that point in time. After 31 December 2022, the grandfathered status shall cease to apply as soon as the liability concerned falls due, can be terminated or otherwise reclaimed, or if the liability is transferred by way of singular or universal succession or is transferred to a foreign branch.
Details on the scope of protection, including the protection ceilings, are set out in the By-laws of the Deposit Protection Fund, in particular Section 6 thereof.
The By-laws shall be made available on request and can also be accessed on the internet at