HSBA dual study program
Are you about to graduate from school and looking for a way to combine theory with practice? With us, you have the chance to participate in a dual study program in cooperation with HSBA.
During the standard study period of three years which culminates in a bachelor’s degree, you can expect a combination of practice-oriented business administration courses and time spent training on site with us. At HSBA, you will acquire relevant specialist knowledge and can put this into practice in various departments during your assignments with us.
My professional journey at HCOB has been an exciting and educational experience.
Mia Kammler, dual student
About Mia
I am Mia Kammler, 23 years old, and I started my dual study program at HCOB in 2020 and completed it in October 2023. I then joined the Project Finance department as an ESG Associate. In my role, I deal with all ESG-relevant topics for Project Finance and Corporates Finance and also work closely with the ESG team.
During the dual study program, I alternated between working at the bank every three months and then going back to university. At the bank, I was able to gain exciting insights into the individual departments and gain initial experience. I worked in Shipping, Sales, Payments and Marketing. In my third semester, I spent a semester abroad and studied at the University of BI in Oslo.
Throughout our studies, we are supervised by the HR training officers at the bank, who support us if we have questions and help us plan our assignments. I recommend the dual study program at HCOB because of the many insights into the various departments and the opportunity to spend a semester abroad. Before my studies, I went to Sachsenwald Gymnasium and took a gap year in Australia before deciding on the dual study program at HCOB.
In my free time, I go to the gym and do dressage riding. My professional journey at HCOB has been an exciting and educational experience.
Our dual study programs
Three varied years await you, during which you will gain insights into various departments of our bank and at the same time learn exciting specialist knowledge during your theoretical phase at the university. As a dual student, you will study at the Hamburg School of Administration (HSBA) and have the choice between two degree programs: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Administration and the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Informatics. Both courses run for six semesters.
You don’t need any prior knowledge for either course.
Your studies are more than just theory. In the practical phases, you can apply what you have learned directly in a way that reflects your own interests. This will allow you to actively shape your training and gain valuable experience for your future. Discover more about the Business Administration and Business Informatics degree programs and find out which path is right for you.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Administration
In practical assignments, you will get to know the bank. Across the entire credit process, you will be involved in sales discussions with customers and gain insights into the HR department’s activities.
In this business administration course, you will learn the basics of business administration. We do not give you any guidelines for your choice of focus.
Find out more about studying directly at HSBA
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Informatics
In practice, this means at our bank you will spend around half of your time in the IT departments and on IT projects for various other departments. You will spend the other half in all other areas – from sales to strategy to finance. In this way, you will get to know the entire bank and can later be deployed anywhere.
The Business Informatics dual study program combines the subjects of business administration and computer science and prepares students specifically for tasks at the interface between business administration and IT. Almost 50 percent of the subjects overlap with the Business Administration degree course.
Find out more about studying directly at HSBA
You as a dual student at HCOB – see for yourself
For us, everything revolves around developing motivated and highly trained young professionals. We get you on board right from the start so you not only gain valuable experience, but also learn to work expertly and independently. The dual study programme at Hamburg Commercial Bank offers you exactly that – and much more:
Our qualified and wide-ranging training program gives you the opportunity to actively shape your practical responsibilities as you are deployed in different areas of the company.
We have a lot more to offer than just exciting responsibilities in various areas of the company.
Swantje Petrat
Contact for Dual Studies and TraineesWhat does the program involve?
- We promote your personal and professional development through targeted training measures.
- You will benefit from networking opportunities with other young professionals and meetings with the Management Board as well as the chance to be involved in (overall bank) projects.
- You have the opportunity to spend a semester abroad as part of your studies with the support of the bank through a leave of absence.
- We offer a high degree of financial independence through monthly remuneration in line with current bank rates. (1st year: € 1,220 gross | 2nd year: € 1,300 gross | (3rd year: € 1,390 gross)
- In addition, the bank pays a large share of your tuition fees and gives you time off to write your Bachelor’s thesis.
- Dual students also have full vacation entitlement with us from day one: 30 days a year plus time off on 24 and 31 December.
- We also bear the full cost of the national public transport ticket in Germany.
- The bank offers you very good chances of being offered a permanent contract of employment if you perform well.
- In addition to professional prospects and career opportunities, the bank will support you after your studies with a part-time Master’s degree or a professional qualification program (Education@Work).
What else can you expect at HCOB?
In addition to the exciting assignments in various areas of the company, we have a lot more to offer:
- Onboarding week and networking events for a perfect start in the world of banking
- Professional seminars and personal development seminars
- A central location directly in the centre of Hamburg
- A meal allowance as well as fruit, water/coffee/tea
- Project work with fellow students, voluntary participation in trade fairs and business “speed dating” events
When does the dual study programme start?
The first “Get to Know Us” days for the coming year are held at the end of the year and we recruit until all places are filled. The start of the dual study programme at HSBA is 15 August or 1 October of each year, depending on the A or B track.
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Copies of the last two school reports
- Other certificates (internships, PC training, etc.)
We start hiring about a year in advance. You can find current vacancies on our job board. It is important that you meet the HSBA requirements for admission.
We work closely with our customers. We feel special skills are required for this consulting work:
- Pronounced flexibility and a high level of teamwork and cooperation skills
- Openness to changing tasks and interest in analytical and strategic issues
- Curiosity for new things and the courage to jump into other tasks
- An enjoyment of thinking outside the box and creativity in developing solutions
- High sense of responsibility and initiativefor assigned tasks
- Very good knowledge of German and good to very good knowledge of English
- Meet HSBA requirements for admission
If this describes you, then you’ve come to the right place. We will support you in your further development through personal-development seminars, regular development meetings and project work.
In addition to your personal skills, you will also develop professional skills at our bank – so you will fit into our team even better if you have a keen interest in business and finance in general.
HCOB is a recognized and fair employer and is not only known regionally for this. We are regularly certified by “Beruf und Familie” (Career and Family) and thus underline our claim to be an excellent employer.
Certificate of the Hertie audit berufundfamilie
In August 2007, we were also awarded the “family-friendly company” seal of approval by the non-profit Hertie Foundation for the first time.
We offer the following:
- Flexible working hours and options for working remotely
- Variety of part-time models, including at higher management levels
- Family-friendly scheduling of projects and travel
- Provision of iPhones/iPads
- Company health management and comprehensive social counseling
- Regular presentations on family-related topics at the bank
- Special management training courses on the topic of balancing work and family life
- Semi-annual information events for parents-to-be
- Advice on and arrangement of childcare by external service providers
- Free emergency childcare
- Personal advice from the bank’s Equal Opportunities Officer
- Various subsidised vacation programs from external providers
- Advice and support for nursing care for relatives