Out-of-court dispute resolution
In the event of disputes with the Hamburg Commercial Bank AG, consumers have the option of calling the services of the Bundesverband deutscher Banken. f the subject of a dispute falls under German payment services law, customers who are not consumers may also call on the Bundesverband deutscher Banken.
General information
General Business Conditions
General Business Conditions Luxembourg Branch
A complaint must be submitted in text form to
Bundesverband deutscher Banken
Ombudsmann der privaten Banken
Postfach 04 03 07
10062 Berlin
Details may be found in the “Verfahrensordnung für die Schlichtung von Kundenbeschwerden im Bereich des Bundesverbands deutscher Banken“ (procedural rules available only in German), which may be ordered on request or can be downloaded from the internet at
The Bank participates in the consumer complaint system of this approved consumer dispute resolution scheme.
Die Europäische Kommission hat unter eine Europäische Online-Streitbeilegungsplattform errichtet. The European Commission has set up an online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform). This ODR platform can only be used for out-of-court resolutions of disputes arising of purchase and services contracts concluded online. The ODR platform is accessible via the following link:
E-Mail-Adresse of Hamburg Commercial Bank AG:
In the case of alleged breaches
of the Payment Services Supervision Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz),
– of Sections 675c to 676c of the German Civil Code (BGB) or
Article 248 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code,
a complaint may additionally be submitted to the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn
Marie-Curie-Str. 24 – 28
60439 Frankfurt am Main Germany
In addition, in all cases it is also possible to submit a complaint directly with the Bank´s complaint office listed in the “Terms and Conditions”. The Bank will respond to complaints in textform (i.e. by letter, fax or e-mail).
1 Banking days are all workdays except for Saturdays and 24 and 31 December.
2 International Bank Account Number
3 Bank Identifier Code
Further information & downloads
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